80 days across America . . . San Francisco • Los Angeles
Las Vegas • San Diego • Denver • Albuquerque • San Antonio Austin Dallas • Fort Worth • New Orleans • Atlanta Memphis • Nashville • Indianapolis • Chicago • Detroit Cleveland • Pittsburgh • Boston • Philadelphia • Baltimore Washington DC • New York In the spring of 2023 and 2024 I visited twenty three cities in an eighty day coast to coast adventure, covering thousands of miles by bus, train, plane and over seven hundred on foot. I have also included some images from my first visit to New York in 2011 with Lesley my late wife and some from my solo trip in 2019. Street photography is challenging but I found it even more so in some American cities and it was a bit like fishing where I would walk all day without a bite. Then suddenly, out of the blue, on walks my front cover from Philly. Serendipity! I am not sure exactly what I am looking for but I just know when I see it and snap! Chris Porsz When ordering from outside the UK please choose the option for your region on the drop down menu. Please be advised that additional fees may be charged by delivery services or customs in your country. |
When ordering from outside the UK please choose the option for your region on the drop down menu.
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Barking 2! –
The second volume OUT NOW! I must be barking, as my 2019 book Barking! was intended to be just a one off. However, due to popular demand from dog lovers, here is Barking 2! for you all to enjoy with over 200 new pooches from America and around the UK. I think the reason for Barking!’s great success is that it is very different to most dog books where the subjects are often static and posed. I adopt my street photography approach which is walking many miles and seizing the moment to capture random dogs from mutts to pedigrees in motion. I am constantly scanning the horizon looking for that stand out dog and my face lights up with a smile when I spot one. Chris Porsz |
JUST BE KIND – reprinted due to demand
This fascinating book depicts the changing face of the NHS over the last 40 years which has been captured by the very professional lens of amateur photographer Chris Porsz. His images speak volumes, with pictures of staff comforting patients and each other, showing the camaraderie which epitomises the NHS. Working at the hospital was like being part of a big family, all with our unique roles.
Throughout this book, Chris has concentrated his lens on the people who deliver healthcare in all its guises and make the NHS such a unique organisation in the world. They say, “a picture paints a thousand words” and I believe Chris has truly achieved this maxim in his wonderful portrait of our NHS. Colonel (retd) Andrew Cope, TD FRCS FRCEM L/ RAMC When ordering from outside the UK please choose the option for your region on the drop down menu. Please be advised that additional fees may be charged by delivery services or customs in your country. |
When ordering from outside the UK please choose the option for your region on the drop down menu.
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“If ‘all the world’s a stage’ then the street is my studio, my blank canvas and so I just wait for characters to walk on or I go in search for them. Formally composing people is not my forte and my imagination is too poor to invent what I witness on the street.
I always carry my camera primed and sometimes without even raising it to my eye, I seize that fleeting moment from the madding crowd before it has gone forever. I constantly look for the sublime to the ridiculous, those juxtapositions and humorous exchanges that most of us miss as we rush by. In this retrospective I have tried to present some of my favourites from the last decade or so for you to enjoy and although some may not grab you, I do hope on the whole I have chosen well. If they raise a smile in these often sad times, at life’s surreal and dream- like absurdities and interactions on the streets, then I have achieved my goal in Street Dreams.“ Chris Porsz |
He's only gone and done it again, Chris Porsz is nothing if not dedicated, committed, perhaps obsessed. No, he is obsessed.
It takes a certain kind of obsession to create this, his second book of Reunions. The work he has put into these images is incredible. Bigger and better than ever, this was Chris back to being 'all about the people'. He has told the story of how he went about getting people back together. Sometimes it wasn't always possible to get whole groups reunited in the same image but, for Chris, his meeting with even now lone subjects was enough. They were having a Reunion. Jo Riley's stories give all the background to the images and tell the stories of the people. Many are happy, some are sad, all are worth reading. Chris has gone to extraordinary lengths to recreate the images he took many years ago. 'Carrot and Stick' is a perfect example. It doesn't matter that the new photograph wasn't taken at the railway station; Chris has been cleverer than that and it works. It's also very funny. When ordering from outside the UK please choose the option for your region on the drop down menu. Please be advised that additional fees may be charged by delivery services or customs in your country. |
Buy Reunions 1 and 2 together and you will receive Reunions 1 for £8 instead of £10 + postage.
Barking! - Chris Porsz's Pooches
Buy Barking 1 and 2 together and you will receive Barking 1 for £6 instead of £8 + postage. UK Only.
When ordering from outside the UK please choose the option for your region on the drop down menu. Please be advised that additional fees may be charged by delivery services or customs in your country. |
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Peterborough Soup Kitchen

Chris Porsz is pleased to support the work of Peterborough Soup Kitchen, feeding the homeless and disadvantaged in his home city. Click here to find out more.